Curry’s \(\text{TA}_\lambda\)
- [6.1] Types (set \(\mathbf{Typ}\)) given by \[
\frac{}{a \in \mathbf{Typ}}\;(a \in \mathcal{TV})
\frac{A \in \mathbf{Typ} \;\;\;\; B \in \mathbf{Typ}}{(A \Rightarrow B) \in
- Type context is \(\{ x_i : A_i \}\) where \(x_i \in \mathcal V\) and \(A_i \in \mathbf{Typ}\), for distinct \(x_i\).
- Contexts consistent if they don’t disagree on any variable’s type.
- Subjects are \(\operatorname{Subj}(\{x_i : A_i\}) = \{x_i\}\).
- \(\Gamma \upharpoonright s\) is \(\Gamma\) restricted to \(\operatorname{FV}(s)\).
- Typing relations between contexts, \(\Lambda\) and \(\mathbf{Typ}\) are
- \(\mapsto\)
(\text{var})\;&\frac{}{\{x:A\} \mapsto x:A} \\[2ex]
(\text{app})\;&\frac{\Gamma \mapsto s: B \Rightarrow A \;\;\;
\Delta \mapsto t:B}
{\Gamma \cup \Delta \mapsto st:A}
\;\;\;\text{$\Gamma, \Delta$ consistent} \\[2ex]
(\text{abs})\;&\frac{\Gamma \mapsto s:A}
{\Gamma - x \mapsto \lambda x.s: B \Rightarrow A}
\;\;\;\text{$\Gamma, \{x:B\}$ consistent}
- \(\vdash\) (“proves”): \(\Gamma \vdash s:A \iff \exists \Gamma' \subseteq \Gamma \text{ s.t. } \Gamma' \mapsto s:A\)
- \(\vdash\) supports weakening but \(\mapsto\) does not.
- Relevance Lemma 6.1.1.
- If \(\Gamma \mapsto s:A\) then \(\operatorname{Subj}(\Gamma) = \operatorname{FV}(s)\).
- If \(\Gamma \vdash s:A\) then \(\Gamma \upharpoonright s \mapsto s:A\).
- Subject Construction Lemma 6.2.1.
- Deduction tree for type has same structure as construction tree for term.
- Subtree is construction tree for deduction at its root.
- Final step is of form
\text{If $s \equiv x$,}&&
&\frac{}{\{x:A\} \mapsto x:A} \;\;(\text{var}) \\[2ex]
\text{If $s \equiv pq$,}&&
&\frac{\Gamma \upharpoonright p \mapsto p: B \Rightarrow A
\Gamma \upharpoonright q \mapsto q: B}
{\Gamma \mapsto pq:A} \;\;(\text{app}) \\[2ex]
\text{If $s \equiv \lambda x.p$,}&&
&\frac{\Gamma \red{\cup \{x:B\}} \mapsto p:A}
{\Gamma \mapsto \lambda x.p : B \Rightarrow A}
\;\;(\text{abs})\hspace{1em}\text{\red{if $x \in \operatorname{FV}(p)$}}
- \(\alpha\)-invariance Lemma 6.2.2. \(\alpha\)-equivalent terms have the same type.
- Substitution Lemma 6.2.3.
- If
- \(\Gamma \cup \{x:B\} \mapsto s:A\) with \(x \notin \operatorname{Subj}(\Gamma)\)
- \(\Delta \mapsto t:B\)
- \(\Gamma\) and \(\Delta\) consistent, \(x \notin \operatorname{FV}(t)\)
- Then \(\Gamma \cup \Delta \mapsto s[t/x] : A\).
- [6.3] Subject Reduction Theorem. If \(\Gamma \vdash s:A\), and \(s \to_\beta t\) then \(\Gamma \vdash t:A\).
- Subject expansion does not hold.
- [7.1] Term typable if some context proves it has some type.
- Lemma 7.1.1. Typability closed under subterms, abstraction, \(\beta\)-reduction.
- [Lecture 14] PCF used to make untypable things into constants instead.
- [7.2] All typable terms are strongly normalizable.
- Long proofs given in Lecture 15/Chapter 7.
- Corollary 7.3.1. Equality of typable terms is decidable.
- Corollary 7.3.2. \(\text{TA}_\lambda\) has no fixed-point combinators.
- [7.3] \(\text{TA}_\lambda\) terms define the extended polynomials.
Copyright © 2021 Chua Hou.