- [2.4] A term \(s\) is
- in \(R\)-normal form if there is no term \(t\) for which \(s \to_R t\).
- \(R\)-normalizable if \(s \twoheadrightarrow_R t\) and \(t\) is in \(R\)-NF.
- strongly \(R\)-normalizable if there is no infinite sequence \(s \to_R t_1 \to_R t_2 \to_R \ldots\).
- A notion of reduction \(R\) is
- weakly normalizing if every term is \(R\)-normalizable.
- strongly normalizing if every term is strongly \(R\)-normalizable.
Diamond and Church-Rosser properties
- [2.4] The diamond property is satisfied by \(\to_R\) if \[s \to_R t_1 \land s \to_R t_2 \implies t_1 \to_R u \land t_2 \to_R u\] for some term \(u\).
- \(\to_R\) is Church-Rosser if its reflexive/transitive closure \(\twoheadrightarrow_R\) satisfies the diamond property.
- \(\to_R\) has the unique normal form property if every term can only reduce to a unique normal form.
- Lemma 2.4.1.
- If \(\to_R\) satisfies diamond property then so does \(\twoheadrightarrow_R\) (then \(\to_R\) also CR).
- If \(\to_R\) is CR, then \(s =_R t\) iff for some \(u\), \(s \twoheadrightarrow_R u\) and \(t \twoheadrightarrow_R u\).
- Church-Rosser \(\implies\) unique normal form.
- [2.5] \(\beta\)-reduction is CR, as \(\to_\Vert\) has diamond property (see notes).
- \(\eta\)-reduction is CR (see slides).
- \(\beta\eta\)-reduction is CR (see slides 6).
Copyright © 2021 Chua Hou.