- [2.1] Notion of reduction or redex rule is a binary relation over a set.
- We consider reductions over \(\Lambda\) (or \(\Lambda/\!\!\equiv_\alpha\)).
For a reduction \(R\), we have
- one-step \(R\) reduction \(\to_R\) defined by
\[ (R) \; \frac{}{s \to_R t} \; ((s, t) \in R) \hspace{2em} (\text{abs}) \; \frac{s \to_R t}{\lambda x.s \to_R \lambda x.t} \\[3ex] (\text{left-app}) \; \frac{s \to_R t}{su \to_R tu} \hspace{2em} (\text{right-app}) \; \frac{s \to_R t}{us \to_R ut} \]
- reflexive closure \(\to_R^=\), with added rule
\[ (\text{refl}) \; \frac{}{s \to_R^= s} \]
- transitive closure \(\to_R^+\), with added rule
\[ (\text{trans}) \; \frac{s \to_R^+ t \hspace{1.5em} t \to_R^+ u}{s \to_R^+ u} \]
- reflexive and transitive closure \(\twoheadrightarrow_R\), said as “\(s\) \(R\)-reduces to \(t\)” if \(s \twoheadrightarrow_R t\)
- reflexive, symmetric, transitive closure \(=_R\), “said as \(s\) is \(R\)-convertible to \(t\)” if \(s =_R t\), with added rule
\[ (\text{sym}) \; \frac{s =_R t}{t =_R s} \]
Alternative characterisations
Lemma 2.1.1.
- \(s \to_R^+ t\) iff \(s \equiv s_0 \to_R s_1 \to_R \ldots \to_R s_n \equiv t\) for \(n \geq 1\)
- \(s \twoheadrightarrow_R t\) iff the same for \(n \geq 0\)
- \(s =_R t\) iff there is a zig-zag for some \(n \geq 0\) and terms \(s_0, \ldots, s_{n-1}, t_1, \ldots, t_n\), given by
- Lemma 2.1.2. \(s \to_R t\) iff there is a one-hole unary context \(C[X]\) and terms \(u, v\) such that \(C[u] \equiv s\) and \(C[v] \equiv t\) and \(u \; R \; v\).
- \(u\) is a \(R\)-redex contracted to \(v\).
- [2.2] Uses the relation \(\beta\) in \(\beta\)-conversion (\((\lambda x.s)t \;\beta\; s[t/x]\)).
- Implements \(\lambda\beta\) theory (\(s =_\beta t \iff \lambda\beta \vdash s = t\)).
- [2.3] A one-step reduction \(\to_\beta\) with redex \((\lambda x.p)q\) contracted to \(p[q/x]\) is
- cancelling if \(x\) does not occur free in \(p\) (and is deleted), and
- duplicating if \(x\) occurs at least twice in \(p\) (and is duplicated).
- [2.3] If for every \(\lambda x.p\) in a term, \(x\) occurs in \(p\)
- at least once, the term is a \(\lambda I\)-term. (non-cancelling)
- exactly once, the term is affine. (non-duplicating)
- at most once, the term is linear. (non-cancelling and non-duplicating)
- Lemma 2.3.1. If \(s\) is a ???-term and \(s \to_\beta t\) (or \(s \to_{\beta\eta} t\)) then so is \(t\).
- Lemma 2.3.2. (bracketed results)
- [2.2] Based on extensionality, we can have
- \(\eta\)-reduction given by \(\eta^{\operatorname{red}} = \{ \langle \lambda, s \rangle \mid s \in \Lambda, x \notin \operatorname{FV}(s) \}\)
- \(\eta\)-expansion given by \(\eta^{\operatorname{exp}} = \{ \langle \lambda s, \rangle \mid s \in \Lambda, x \notin \operatorname{FV}(s) \}\)
- \(\beta\eta = \beta \cup \eta^{\operatorname{red}}\), which implements \(\lambda\beta\eta\).