Notions of equality
- Syntactic equality (\(\equiv\)) equates terms that are the same string.
- [1.4] Terms are \(\alpha\)-convertible/equivalent (\(\equiv_\alpha\)) if they are the same term up to renaming bound variables. (Slides show formal definition using variable swapping operation \((y\;x)\,\boldsymbol\cdot\))
- [1.5] Terms are \(\beta\)-convertible (infix \(\beta\)) using capture-avoiding substitution (cf. blind contextual substitution).
- Substituting \(t\) for every free occurrrence of variable \(x\) in \(s\) is written as \(s[t/x]\), defined inductively in slides.
- \(\beta\)-conversion: \((\lambda x.s)t \;\beta\; s[t/x]\).
- [1.7] A theory \(\mathcal T\) is a set of equations \(s = t\), written \(\mathcal T \vdash s = t\) to indicate \(s\) and \(t\) are equal in the theory \(\mathcal T\), or written \(s =_\mathcal T t\)
- Standard \(\lambda\beta\) theory, defined by
- equivalence rules \[
(\text{reflexivity}) \; \frac{}{s = s}
(\text{symmetry}) \; \frac{s = t}{t = s}
(\text{transitivity}) \; \frac{s = t\;\;\;t = u}{s = u}
- congruence rules (equality combined with inductive rules) \[
(\text{application}) \; \frac{s = s'\;\;\;t = t'}{st = s't'}
(\text{abstraction}) \; \frac{s = t}{\lambda x.s = \lambda x.t}
- \(\beta\) rule \[
(\beta) \; \frac{}{(\lambda x.s) t = s[t/x]}
- Extensional equality by \(\eta\) rule, which when added to \(\lambda\beta\) gives the \(\lambda\beta\eta\) theory. \[
(\eta) \; \frac{}{\lambda = s} \; x \notin \operatorname{FV}(s)
- [1.8] A theory is…
- a \(\lambda\)-theory if all the \(\lambda\beta\) rules are valid under it.
- consistent if not all terms are equated under it.
- maximally consistent/Hilbert-Post complete if adding any equations makes it inconsistent.
Fixed points
- [1.9] A fixed point of \(s\) is \(u\) such that \(s u =_\beta u\).
- A fixed point combinator is \(s\) such that, given any term \(f\), \(sf\) is a fixed point of \(f\). Examples include
- Curry’s “paradoxical” combinator: \(\mathbf y \equiv \lambda f.(\lambda x.f(xx))(\lambda x.f(xx))\)
- Turing’s combinator: \(\bm \theta \equiv (\lambda xy.y(xxy))(\lambda xy.y(xxy))\)
- First Recursion Theorem: every term has a fixed point (just apply a fixed point combinator to it).
- Theorem 2.6.1. \(\lambda\beta\) and \(\lambda\beta\eta\) are consistent, as they do not equate \(\mathbf k\) and \(\mathbf i\).
- Lemma 2.6.2. \(\mathcal T_{\mathrm{NF}}\) which equates closed terms without NFs, is inconsistent.
- Bohm’s Theorem states that for any distinct closed \(\beta\eta\)-NF terms, they can be applied to the same sequence of terms to give \(\mathbf t\) and \(\mathbf f\).
- Lemma 2.7.2. For any distinct closed \(\beta\)(\(\eta\))-NF terms, they are not equal under \(\lambda\beta\)(\(\eta\)).
- Lemma 2.7.1. Any \(\lambda\)-theory that equates such terms is inconsistent.
Copyright © 2021 Chua Hou.