- [4] Representation as selectors of values \[\begin{aligned} \mathbf t &\equiv \lambda xy.x & \mathbf f &\equiv \lambda xy.y \\ \mathbf{and} &\equiv \lambda xy.xy\mathbf f & \mathbf{or} &\equiv \lambda xy.x\mathbf ty \end{aligned}\]
- If-else simply applies value, \(\mathbf{cond} \equiv \mathbf i\)
Church numerals
- [4.1] Encodes natural number \(n\) as \(n\)-fold composition, \(\;\ulcorner\! n \!\urcorner\; \equiv \lambda fx.f(f(f\ldots(f\,x))\ldots)\)
- Combinators given by \[\begin{aligned} \mathbf{succ} &\equiv \lambda nfx.f(nfx) & \mathbf{zero?} &\equiv \lambda n.n(\lambda x.\mathbf f)\mathbf t \\ \mathbf{add} &\equiv \lambda mnfx.mf(nfx) & \mathbf{mult} &\equiv \lambda mnf.m(nf) \end{aligned}\]
- Encode \(\mathbf{nil}\) as \(\lambda xy.y \equiv \mathbf f\)
- Encode \(h :: L\) as \(\lambda xy.xhL\)
- Operations, using \(\mathbf\Omega\) to diverge for empty lists: \[ \mathbf{isempty?} \equiv \lambda l.l(\lambda xy.\mathbf f)\mathbf t \\[.5ex] \mathbf{head} \equiv \lambda l.l(\lambda xy.x)\mathbf\Omega \hspace{1em} \mathbf{tail} \equiv \lambda l.l(\lambda xy.y)\mathbf\Omega \]
Recursion can be implemented using fixed point combinators (example in slides).
Total recursive functions
- [4.2] \(\phi : \mathbb N^m \to \mathbb N\) is \(\lambda\)-definable by term \(f\) if \(f \;\ulcorner\! n_1 \!\urcorner\; \ldots \;\ulcorner\! n_m \!\urcorner\; \twoheadrightarrow_\beta \;\ulcorner\! \phi(n_1,\ldots,n_m) \!\urcorner\;\).
- Total recursive functions is set \(\mathcal R_0\) inductively defined by
- Initial functions: zero, successor, projections \(\langle n_1, \ldots n_m \rangle \mapsto n_i\)
- Composition (\(\bm n\) is vector) \[\frac{ \chi: \mathbb N^m \to \mathbb N \in \mathcal R_0 \hspace{1.5em} \psi_i: \mathbb N^l \to \mathbb N \in \mathcal R_0 \text{ for } 1 \leq i \leq m }{ \bm n \mapsto \chi(\psi_1(\bm n), \ldots, \psi_m(\bm n)) \in \mathcal R_0 }\]
- Primitive recursion \[\frac{ \chi: \mathbb N^m \to \mathbb N \in \mathcal R_0 \hspace{1.5em} \psi: \mathbb N^{m+2} \to \mathbb N \in \mathcal R_0 }{ \phi = \langle k, \bm n \rangle \mapsto \begin{cases} \chi(\bm n) &k = 0 \text{ (base case)} \\ \psi(\phi(k-1, \bm n), k-1, \bm n) &k > 0 \text{ (recursive)} \end{cases} \in \mathcal R_0 }\]
- Minimisation (to \(0\)) for \(\bm n\) where \(\exists k.\,\chi(k, \bm n) = 0\) \[\frac{ \chi: \mathbb N^{m+1} \to \mathbb N \in \mathcal R_0 }{ (\bm n \mapsto \text{least $k$ such that $\chi(k, \bm n) = 0$}) \in \mathcal R_0 }\]
- Theorem 4.2.1. Function is recursive iff it is \(\lambda\)-definable.
- Effectively computable functions are recursive (Church Thesis).
- \(\lambda\)-definable functions closed under rules for \(\mathcal R_0\).
Partially recursive functions
- [4.4] \(\phi: \mathbb N^m \to \mathbb N\) is strongly \(\lambda\)-definable by term \(f\) if
- \(f \;\ulcorner\! n_1 \!\urcorner\; \ldots \;\ulcorner\! n_m \!\urcorner\; = \;\ulcorner\! \phi(n_1,\ldots,n_m) \!\urcorner\;\) if \(\phi(n_1, \ldots, n_m)\) is defined
- and is unsolvable otherwise.
- Partially recursive functions are the same as total recursive functions but partial functions are allowed.
- Requirement for minimisation removed.
- Composition is strict (undefined if any of the composed functions undefined).
- Turing Completeness. Function partially recursive iff strongly \(\lambda\)-definable.
- [4.3] Gödel numbering for \(\lambda\)-terms \(\sharp:\Lambda \to \mathbb N\).
- \(\;\ulcorner\!\!\ulcorner\! s \!\urcorner\!\!\urcorner\; = \;\ulcorner\! \sharp s \!\urcorner\;\)
- Recursive functions that are \(\lambda\)-definable \(\mathrm{app}(\sharp s, \sharp t) = \sharp(st)\) and \(\mathrm{gnum}(n) = \sharp \,\ulcorner\! n \!\urcorner\;\)
- Second Recursion Theorem 4.3.1. Every term \(f\) has term \(u\) s.t. \(\lambda\beta \vdash f \;\ulcorner\!\!\ulcorner\!u\!\urcorner\!\!\urcorner\; = u\).
- Scott-Curry Theorem 4.3.2. For nonempty \(A, B \subseteq \Lambda\) closed under \(\beta\), there is no \(f\) such that for \(s\), \(f \;\ulcorner\!\!\ulcorner\!s\!\urcorner\!\!\urcorner\; = \mathbf t \text{ or } \mathbf f\) and \(f \;\ulcorner\!\!\ulcorner\!s\!\urcorner\!\!\urcorner\; = \begin{cases} \mathbf t & s \in A \\ \mathbf f & s \in B \end{cases}\)
- Corollary 4.3.3. Nontrivial \(A \subseteq \Lambda\) closed under \(\beta\) is not recursive.