Combinatory logic
- [5.1] CL-terms, \(\mathcal T_\mathrm{CL}\), given by \[
\newcommand\TCL{\mathcal T_\mathrm{CL}}
\frac{}{x \in \TCL} \, x \in \mathcal V \hspc
\frac{}{\mathbf K \in \TCL} \hspc
\frac{}{\mathbf S \in \TCL} \hspc
\frac{A \in \TCL \;\; B \in \TCL}{(A \cdot B) \in \TCL}
- No free variables or abstractions, no \(\alpha\)-conversion.
- Equality given by (cf. \(\lambda\beta\) equality) \(CL \vdash\) \[
(\text{refl.}) \; \frac{}{A = A} \hspc
(\text{symm.}) \; \frac{A = B}{B = A} \hspc
(\text{trans.}) \; \frac{A = B\;\;B = C}{A = C} \\[1.8ex]
(\text{application}) \; \frac{A = A'\;\;B = B'}{AB = A'B'} \\[1.6ex]
(\mathbf K) \; \frac{}{\mathbf KAB = A} \hspc
(\mathbf S) \; \frac{}{\mathbf SABC = AC(BC)}
- Write \(\mathbf I \equiv \mathbf{SKK}\).
- [5.2] Abstraction meta-operation (not part of syntax) \[
\llambda x.x &\equiv \mathbf{SKK} \equiv \mathbf I \\
\llambda x.B &\equiv \mathbf KB & \text{$x$ not in $B$} \\
\llambda x.BC &\equiv \mathbf S(\llambda x.B)(\llambda x.C) & \text{$x$ in $BC$}
- Lemma 5.2.1. \(\lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda\) simulates \(\beta\)-reduction.
- \(x\) does not occur in \(\lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.A\).
- \(CL \vdash (\lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.A)B = A[B/x]\).
- if \(x \neq y\) and \(x\) not in \(B\) then \(CL \vdash (\lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.A)[B/y] = \lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.(A[B/y])\).
- [5.3] Translations between \(\lambda\)-calculus and CL
x_{cl} &\equiv x &
x_\lambda &\equiv x \\
(\lambda x.s)_{cl} &\equiv \lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.s_{cl} &
(AB)_\lambda &\equiv A_\lambda B_\lambda \\
(st)_{cl} &\equiv s_{cl}t_{cl} &
\mathbf K_\lambda &\equiv \mathbf k \\
&& \mathbf S_\lambda &\equiv \mathbf s
- Lemma 5.3.1.
- \(\lambda\beta \vdash (\lambda\hspace{-0.43em}\lambda x.A)_\lambda = \lambda x.A_\lambda\)
- \(\lambda\beta \vdash (s_{cl})_\lambda = s\)
- \(CL \vdash A = B \implies \lambda\beta \vdash A_\lambda = B_\lambda\)
- \(\lambda\beta\) equality equates more than \(CL\) equality.
- Strengthening \(CL\) to ~\(\lambda\beta\)
- Adding extensionality: too strong, closer to \(\lambda\beta\eta\)
- \(CL + \text{WExt} + \text{K-Ext} + \text{S-Ext}\) perfect (see sheet 3).
- Adding 5 axioms also works (see notes).
Combinatory algebras
- [5.5] Combinatory algebra is set \(\mathcal A\), binop \(\bullet\), \(K, S \in \mathcal A\) s.t. \[
K \bullet X \bullet Y = X \hspace{1.5em}
S \bullet X \bullet Y \bullet Z = X \bullet Z (Y \bullet Z)
- Never commutative, associative or finite.
- Denotation \((A)_\rho\) of \(A \in \mathcal T_{cl}\) in environment \(\rho : \mathcal V \to \mathcal A\) given inductively by \[
(x)_\rho = \rho(x) \hspace{1.5em}
(\mathbf K)_\rho = K \hspace{1.5em}
(\mathbf S)_\rho = S \hspace{1.5em}
(A \cdot B)_\rho = (A)_\rho \bullet (B)_\rho
- Denotation of \(\lambda\)-term \(\llbracket s \rrbracket_\rho = (s_{cl})_\rho\)
- Lemma 5.5.1. \(CL \vdash A = B \iff\) for all algebras and all environments, \((A)_\rho = (B)_\rho\).
- \(\lambda\)-algebra is CA s.t.
- \(\lambda\beta \vdash A_\lambda = B_\lambda \implies \forall \rho. (A)_\rho = (B)_\rho\), OR
- \(\lambda\beta \vdash s = t \implies \forall \rho. \llbracket s \rrbracket_\rho = \llbracket t \rrbracket_\rho\) and \(\llbracket\mathbf k \rrbracket = K\) and \(\llbracket\mathbf s \rrbracket = S\)
- Theorem 5.5.3. Every CA is combinatory complete, i.e. for CL term \(T\) with free vars in \(x_1, \ldots, x_n\), there is \(F \in \mathcal A\) for all \(A_i\)s s.t. in \(\rho : x_i \mapsto A_i\) \[
(T)_\rho = F \bullet A_1 \bullet \ldots \bullet A_n
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