Bag of tasks
Best illustrated by 2_2/cp/lec/03/Trapezium.scala
- [3.32] Controller has bag of tasks, distributing to workers.
- Faster workers can do more tasks.
- [3.36] Receiving results from workers can be separate process.
- [5.2] Server repeatedly handles requests from clients.
- [5.3, 5.20]
or wait till available (beware deadlock). - [5.17] Client can create ephemeral reply channel.
- [5.26] Buffered channels enable useful work while client waiting.
- [5.29] Multiple channels vs single channel with multiple types.
Interacting peers
- [5.6] Reason about
- Invariants
- Total messages
- Maximum length (totally-ordered) chain of \(\prec\) messages (rounds)
- [5.7] Centralized pattern (star), [5.14] fully-connected/symmetric, [5.19] ring topology, [5.28] tree/heap topology.
- [11.3] Recursive parallelism.
- Calculate directly for base case, recurse by spawning parallel processes.
- [11.6] Need to limit number spawned.
- [11.9] Also consider bag-of-tasks with replacement.
- [11.10] Parallel collections as in Scala.
- [11.11] Competition parallel.
- In problems where different algorithms perform well/badly in different situations, run in parallel and use result of first to finish.
- [11.12] Task-parallel.
- [11.14] MapReduce.
- [11.18] Futures where value computed while execution continues, e.g. Scala.
- [11.21] Lock-free programming allowing race conditions.