- [2.3] Processes communcate using synchronous/asynchronous channels.
- [2.15] Producers should close the channel.
- [2.16] Closed channels produce
Closed <: Stopped
exceptions. - [2.17]
repeat { ... }
= infinite loop tillStopped
caught. - [2.19]
attempt {p}{q}
but runq
caught. - [3.10] Shared channels either closed by
side or appropriate number of either side forN2N
- [2.16] Closed channels produce
- [2.3, 2.15, 3.9]
trait InPort[T] { def ?(): T; def closeIn; }
trait OutPort[T] { def !(x: T); def closeOut; }
trait Chan[T] extends InPort[T] with OutPort[T] { def close }
def OneOne[T], N2N[T](writers, readers), OneMany[T], ManyOne[T]
: Chan[T]
- [5.27] Buffered asynchronous channels (better performance).
def OneOneBuf[T](size): Chan[T]
def N2NBuf[T](size, writers, readers): Chan[T]
- [2.26]
can be used for synchronization.- [2.29] Processes can access the same variable if synchronization ensures they never access at the same time.
- [2.33] Must be wary of pass-by-reference.
- [2.30] Synchronous send \(s\) and receive \(r\), then \(s \preceq r\) and \(r \preceq s\).
- [4.3]
syntax used to run whichever port is ready.- [4.7]
isrepeat { alt ( ... ) }
but fair. - [4.26] Outports.
- [4.6]
AltAbort <: Stopped
exception when all infeasible. - [4.30] Cannot (a) have multiple enabled events on same port, (b) share ports, (c) use both ports of channel.
- [4.7]
alt( in1 =?=> { x => ... }
| (guard && in2) =?=> { x => ... }
| out1 =!=> { expr }
| (guard && out2) =!=> { expr } ==> { doAfter }
)alt(| (for (...) yield ... =?=> ...)) // | on collection