\(\Rightarrow\) Kleinberg & Tardos 7.1/7.2/7.3
Flow Networks
- [5.3] Flow network is \((G, s, t, c)\)
- Digraph \(G\) with source \(s\), sink \(t\).
- Capacity function \(c : E \to \mathbb Z^+\).
- Assume no anti-parallel edges, no edges into \(s\) or out of \(t\).
- [5.4] \(s\)-\(t\) cut partitions vertices \((A, B)\) with \(s \in A\), \(t \in B\).
- Capacity is total capacity of edges out of \(A\).
- Min-cut problem: find \(s\)-\(t\) cut with minimum capacity.
- [5.5] Flow is assignment \(f\) on edges where
- Capacity constraint \(0 \leq f(e) \leq c(e)\).
- Flow conservation: flow out of = flow into every vertex.
- Value \(\lvert f \rvert\) is total flow out of \(s\).
- [5.6] Weak duality: max flow value \(\leq\) min-cut capacity.
- Cut with capacity = flow value certifies max flow.
Ford-Fulkerson and friends
- [5.13] Ford-Fulkerson finds max flow \(f^*\).
- Algorithm:
- [5.10] Residual graph \(G_f\) of flow \(f\) has same vertices and
- If \(f(e) < c(e)\) then \(e\) with residual capacity \(c_f(e) = c(e) - f(e)\)
- If \(f(e) > 0\) then reverse edge with capacity \(c_f(e) = f(e)\)
- Augment along path \(P\) with bottleneck capacity \(b_P\).
- While \(\exists\) \(s\)-\(t\) path \(P\) in \(G_f\), augment along \(P\).
- [5.10] Residual graph \(G_f\) of flow \(f\) has same vertices and
- [6.10] Terminates for integral capacities.
- \(\mathcal O(m\lvert f^*\rvert) = \mathcal O(mnC)\) (\(m\) edges, \(n\) vertices, \(C\) max capacity).
- Algorithm:
- [5.17] Final \(G_f\) is cut with capacity \(f^*\), certifying max flow.
- [6.12] Improve by choosing better \(P\).
- [6.13] Capacity scaling increases flow by at least 1/2 max \(b_P\).
- \(G_f(\Delta)\) restricted to edges with \(c_f \leq \Delta\).
- Halve \(\Delta\) when necessary.
- \(\mathcal O(m^2 \log C)\).
- [6.17] Edmonds-Karp uses BFS to choose shortest path, \(\mathcal O(nm^2)\).
- State of the art \(\mathcal O(nm)\).
- [6.13] Capacity scaling increases flow by at least 1/2 max \(b_P\).
\(\Rightarrow\) Kleinberg & Tardos 7.5–7.13
Bipartite matching
- [7.3] Find max cardinality matching in bipartite graph.
- [7.4] Reduce to max-flow on \(\red{s \to} L \to R \red{\to t}\).
- [7.7] Perfect matching if flow = partition size.
- [7.9] Hall’s theorem: Bipartite graph has perfect matching \(\iff\) for every subset of paritition, \(\lvert N(S) \rvert \geq \lvert S \rvert\). (\(N(S)\) are neighbours of \(S\).)
- [7.12] Can find \(S\) s.t. \(\lvert N(S) \rvert < \lvert S \rvert\) when no perfect matching.
- Use \(s \to L \xrightarrow\infty R \to t\) and find min-cut \((A, B)\), and have \(S = L \cap A\).
Min-cost perfect matching
- [8.3] Find perfect matching with minimum cost. (Edges have costs.)
- Adopt Ford-Fulkerson.
- [8.7] Residual graph alternates unmatched and matched edges.
- [8.9] Negative cost for matched reverse edges.
- [8.13] While not perfect, augment along min-cost path, increasing matching size by 1. \(\mathcal O(mn^2)\).
- [8.11] Perfect matching is min-cost \(\iff G_M\) has no negative cycles.
- [8.14] Algorithm produces no negative cycles, proof with prices.
- [8.17] Adapted algorithm with prices \(\mathcal O(mn\log n)\).
- [8.7] Residual graph alternates unmatched and matched edges.
Circulation with demands
- [7.14] Demand per vertex \(d : V \to \mathbb Z\). No source/sink.
- Flow conservation: \(\sum_\text{in} f(e) - \sum_\text{out} f(e) \red{= d(v)}\).
- Does circulation exist?
- [7.15] Reduce to flow network with added source/sink.
- If \(d(v) < 0\), \(c((\red s, v)) = -d(v)\).
- If \(d(v) > 0\), \(c((v, \red t)) = d(v)\).
- Max-flow = demand = supply \(\iff\) has circulation.
- [7.16] With lower bounds \(\ell: E \to \mathbb Z^+\).
- Capacity constraints: \(\red{\ell(e) \leq} f(e) \leq c(e)\).
- [7.17] Remove lower bounds. For \(e = (u, v)\),
- \(d(u) \gets d(u) + \ell(e)\)
- \(d(v) \gets d(v) - \ell(e)\)
- [7.19] Survey/airline scheduling etc. as circulations.