\(\Rightarrow\) Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani 7.1.1/7.4/7.5/7.6.
Linear Programs
- [9.3] Optimisation problem with linear objective function and (non-strict inequality) constraints.
- [9.5] Feasible: feasible set \(\neq \emptyset\), bounded: optimal soln is finite.
- Fundamental Theorem of LP: LP is exactly one of
- infeasible,
- feasible and unbounded, or
- feasible, bounded, and \(\exists\) solution achieving optimum.
- Optimum must be at intersection of some constraints.
- [9.10, 9.16] Primal formulation in standard maximum form
- Maximisation
- \(=\) becomes \(\leq\) and \(\geq\)
- All constraints are \(\leq\)
- All variables nonnegative
\[ \begin{array}{c l} \text{max} & c^\intercal x \\ \text{s.t.} & Ax \leq b \\ &x \geq 0 \end{array} \]
- [9.16] Dual formulation in standard min form
- [9.17] Weak duality: Values feasible in primal \(\leq\) values feasible in dual.
- Strong duality: Both optimums equal.
\[ \begin{array}{c l} \text{min} & b^\intercal y \\ \text{s.t.} & A^\intercal y \geq c \\ &x \geq 0 \end{array} \]
- [9.18] At most one true:
- Primal optimum \(\leq\) dual optimum
- Primal unbounded \(\implies\) dual infeasible
- Dual unbounded \(\implies\) primal infeasible
Geometric view
- [9.21] Polyhedra analogous to LP constraints \(P = \{ x \in \mathbb R^n \mid Ax \leq b \}\)
- Extreme point \(x^*\) of \(P\) if not midpoint of any 2 points in \(P\).
- Bounded feasible LPs have optimum at extreme point.
- Vertex of \(P\) has \(n\) linearly independent active constraints.
- Vertex \(\iff\) extreme point.
- Extreme point \(x^*\) of \(P\) if not midpoint of any 2 points in \(P\).
- [9.24] Simplex method: start from vertex and move to neighbour till optimal.
- [10.5] Feasibility questions: is region feasible?
- [10.6] Simplex etc. needs starting point, [10.8] add slack variables.
- [10.11] Integrality constraints are common.
- [10.10] Integer linear programs are NP-hard.
- [10.11] Can round fractional solution to approximate.
- Some problems have all vertices integral \(\implies\) directly solve OK.
- [10.14] Constraints totally unimodular \(\to\) sufficient condition.
- [10.15] Zero-sum games:
- Matrix \(A\), row player \(R\) picks row and likewise for column \(C\).
- \(R\) payoff \(= A_{ij}\), \(C\) payoff \(= - A_{ij}\).
- Mixed strategy: setting probabilities for each choice, either player sets first.
- [10.18] Von Neumann’s Theorem: minimax/maximin is Nash equilibrium, order of setting does not matter. (primal-dual pair)