- An operational semantics using labelled transition systems.
- States \(S\), initial state \(P_0 \in S\), labels \(L\).
- Transition \(P \xrightarrow{x} Q\) where \(x \in L\).
- Special invisible action \(\tau \in L\) unobservable/uncontrollable by environment.
- Traces calculable from LTS, FDR works on LTS instead of trace-sets.
- Process in FDR
- Starts in initial state.
- If state has outward-pointing visible actions, offers these actions to environment to synchronize.
- Agrees to environment’s offered action if no \(\tau\) actions.
- May follow \(\tau\) actions instead if available.
\[ \mu\, p.\, (a \to p) \sqcap (b \to p) \]