- [5.1] Hiding: \(P \setminus X\) has events in \(X\) made into \(\tau\)s.
- Distributive, symmetric, \(\setminus Y \setminus X\) is \(\setminus (X \cup Y)\), unit is \(\{\}\).
- Distributive over \(\underset A\Vert\), \({}_X \Vert_Y\) when alphabets disjoint from hidden set.
- Step law: visible events \(\rhd\) nondet choice of hidden events.
- Traces restricted \(\upharpoonright (\Sigma \setminus X)\)
- Sliding \(P \rhd Q\) offers \(P\)’s events, but otherwise \(\tau\)s into \(Q\).
- Distributive, associative, idempotent, unit is \(\textit{STOP}\).
- [5.1.1] Hiding \(\square\) of internal events becomes \(\sqcap\).
- [5.1.1] Divergence: process does internal actions forever (livelock).
- Process that only diverges: \(\mathbf{div}\).
- [5.1.2] Hiding removes guardedness (and hence UFP). \(P = a \to (P \setminus \{a\})\) is not guarded.
- [5.2.1] Injective renaming: \(f[P]\) performs \(f(a)\) when \(P\) performs \(a\) where \(f\) is 1-1 \(\Sigma \to \Sigma\).
- Changes nothing but event names.
- Distributes over everything.
- [5.2.2] Non-injective renaming: can forget detail (abstraction).
- [5.2.3] Relational renaming: \(P\llbracket R \rrbracket\) can do \(b\) when \(P\) performs \(a\) and \(a \mathrel R b\).
- Distributive over \(\sqcap\) and \(\square\).
- May introduce nondeterminism.
- Can be written \(P \llbracket a,b / b,a \rrbracket\).
- Can rename based on context using \(\Vert\) and \(P\llbracket\cdot\rrbracket\).
- [5.2.3] Composition of renaming equivalent to functional/relation composition.
Link parallel
- [5.3] \(P [a \leftrightarrow b] Q = (P \llbracket c/a \rrbracket \underset{\{|c|\}}\Vert Q \llbracket c/b \rrbracket) \setminus \{|c|\}\) for fresh \(c\).
- Piping \(P \gg Q = P [\textit{right} \leftrightarrow \textit{left}] Q\).
- [Slide 5.30] Enslavement \(P \mathbin{/\hspace{-6mu}/} Q = (P \mathbin{\underset{\alpha Q}\Vert} Q) \setminus \alpha Q\).
Unbounded determinism
May be introduced by…
- [5.1.1] Infinite hiding.
- [5.2.2] Infinite-to-1 non-injective renaming.