\(\Rightarrow\) CLRS 21.
- [2.2] Maintain collection \(\mathcal F\) of disjoint sets.
- Representative element \(\operatorname{rep}(S)\) of \(S \in \mathcal F\).
: add \(\{x\}\) to \(\mathcal F\).Find-Set(x)
: return \(\operatorname{rep}(S) \in \mathcal F\) where \(x \in S\).Union(x, y)
: replace \(S \ni x\) and \(T \ni y\) with \(S \cup T\).- \(n\) elements and \(m\) operations in analysis.
- [2.5] Array and linked list methods have slow \(\mathcal O(n)\)
. - [2.8] Linked list with weighted union.
- Append shorter list to longer list.
- Total \(\mathcal O(m + n \log n)\) time.
- [2.10] Disjoint-set forests.
- Each set is a tree with \(\operatorname{rep}\) as root.
- Each element has parent pointer.
- \(\mathcal O(1)\)
, \(\mathcal O(h)\)Find-Set
where \(h\) is tree height. - [2.11] Link-by-height: link shorter tree root to taller tree.
- [2.13] Tree with height \(k\) has \(\geq 2^k\) nodes.
- \(\mathcal O(h) = \mathcal O(\log n)\).
- [2.15] Path compression: during
, set parent of every element passed to root.- [2.17] Track rank as we did height, then rank \(\geq h\) (\(h = \mathcal O(\log n)\)).
- [2.18] Amortized \(\mathcal O(\log^* n)\) (\(n \leq 2^{65536} \implies \log^* n \leq 5\)).