- [15.2] Use (relatively) faster exponential algorithms to get exact solutions.
- [15.5] Fixed-parameter tractable w.r.t. [15.4] computable parameter \(k\) if running time within \(f(k) \cdot \lvert I \rvert^c\) for constant \(c\), computable \(f\).
- [15.6] Bounded-Search-Tree algorithms recurse on smaller instances with smaller parameters (exhaustive search).
- Depth in terms of \(k\) and not input size.
- [15.10] Kernelisation reduces instance \((I, k)\) to \((I', k')\) in poly-time, where \(k' \leq k\) and \(\lvert I' \rvert \leq\) computable \(f(k)\). Then brute force \((I', k')\).
- [15.12] Use relaxed LP to kernelise.
- [15.11] FPT \(\implies\) has kernelisation algorithm.
- [16.3] Colour-coding for finding specific subgraph.
- Randomly colour (no. colours = no. vertices in subgraph), then find colourful (1 of each) copy of subgraph. Repeat sufficiently.
- [16.6] Some parameterised problems are not known FPT.
- Exponential Time Hypothesis: 3SAT does not admit \(2^{\mathcal O(n)}\) algo.
- [16.8] Bounded-Search-Tree can be used for non-FPT problems to improve exponential running time.
- [16.11] Randomized algorithms can lead to faster exponential algorithms.
Copyright © 2021 Chua Hou.