- [13.2] Approximate intractable problems with rigorous guarantees of ratio.
- [13.3] \(\rho\)-approximation algorithm gives solutions
- \(\leq \rho \cdot \text{OPT}\) for some \(\rho \geq 1\) for minimisation.
- \(\geq \rho \cdot \text{OPT}\) for some \(\rho > 0\) for maximisation.
- Design methods (adapt to problem).
- [13.6] Combinatorial method by observing problem structure.
- [13.7] LP rounding: problem is ILP \(\to\) relax to LP \(\to\) round to \(\mathbb Z\).
- [13.12] Greedy algorithms.
- [14.3] Randomisation. Randomly guess enough times.
- [14.5] Repeat sufficient iterations to have large success probability.
- [14.7] Derandomize by greedily maximizing conditional \(\mathbb E\).
- [14.9] Randomized LP rounding: do LP rounding, but use LP solution as probabilities for randomized rounding.
- [14.12] Randomly combining randomized algorithms that perform better for different cases can improve \(\mathbb E\) approx ratio.
- [14.14] Approximation can be NP-hard.
- HamiltonianCycle \(\leq\) approximating TSP within factor.
- [14.15] MetricTSP 2-approximation not NP-hard.
- [14.19] NP-hardness can apply to specific ratios.
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